Wholesome complete dry dog food made with 40% fresh pork from Germany, combined with tasty red meats: Lamb & Goat, Beef & Rabbit or Salmon & Tuna Try all 3 flavours in this handy 3 x 1kg trial pack.
Wolf of Wilderness Adult Classic Red dry dog food at a glance:Wolf of Wilderness Adult "Ruby Midnight" – Beef & Rabbit is a complete dry food for adult dogs.
Ingredients: Fresh pork (40%), potato flakes, peas, beef greaves (8.5%, dried), potato starch, rabbit protein (4%, dried), dried beet pulp, poultry protein hydrolysate, linseed, beef fat, calcium carbonate, monocalcium phosphate, lignocellulose, brewers’ yeast (dried), sodium chloride, wild berries (0.3%, dried: cranberries, currants, raspberries, elderberries), salmon oil, herbs (0.2%, dried: mugwort, St. John’s wort, nettle leaves, camomile, yarrow, coltsfoot, dandelion root), yeast cell walls (0.2%, dried, rich in beta-glucans and mannan oligosaccharides), sunflower oil, apple (dried), chicory inulin (0.1%) *100% pig breeds from Germany
Additives per kg: Nutritional additives: Vitamin A 12,000 IU, vitamin D3 1,500 IU, vitamin E 250 IU, vitamin C 100mg, vitamin B1 12mg, vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 12mg, vitamin B6 8mg, vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) 180mcg, niacin 35mg, calcium D-pantothenate 3mg, folic acid 1.2mg, biotin 300mcg, choline chloride 2,500mg, copper (copper(II) sulphate pentahydrate) 12.5mg, zinc (zinc sulphate monohydrate) 80mg, zinc (zinc chelate of glycine hydrate (solid)) 60mg, iron (iron(II) sulphate monohydrate) 200mg, manganese (manganous sulphate monohydrate) 25mg, iodine (calcium iodate anhydrous) 2.3mg, selenium (sodium selenite) 0.35mg
Technological additives: Antioxidants
Wolf of Wilderness Adult "Scarlet Sunrise" – Salmon & Tuna is a complete dry food for adult dogs.
Ingredients: Fresh pork (40%), potato flakes, peas, potato starch, salmon protein (10%, dried), tuna protein (4%, dried), dried beet pulp, poultry protein hydrolysate,beef fat, linseed, brewers’ yeast (dried), lignocellulose, wild berries (0.3%, dried: cranberries, currants, raspberries, elderberries), salmon oil, herbs (0.2%, dried: mugwort, St. John’s wort, nettle leaves, camomile, yarrow, coltsfoot, dandelion root), yeast cell walls (0.2%, dried, rich in beta-glucans and mannan oligosaccharides), sunflower oil, apple (dried), chicory inulin (0.1%) *100% pig breeds from Germany
Additives per kg: Nutritional additives: Vitamin A 12,000 IU, vitamin D3 1,500 IU, vitamin E 250 IU, vitamin C 100mg, vitamin B1 12mg, vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 12mg, vitamin B6 8mg, vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) 180mcg, niacin 35mg, calcium D-pantothenate 35mg, folic acid 1.2mg, biotin 300mcg, choline chloride 2,500mg, copper (copper(II) sulphate pentahydrate) 12.5mg, zinc (zinc sulphate monohydrate) 80mg, zinc (zinc chelate of glycine hydrate (solid)) 60mg, iron (iron(II) sulphate monohydrate) 200mg, manganese (manganous sulphate monohydrate) 25mg, iodine (calcium iodate anhydrous) 2.3mg, selenium (sodium selenite) 0.35mg
Technological additives: Antioxidants
Analytical constituents
protein | 25.5 % |
fat | 16.5 % |
fibre | 3.0 % |
ash | 8.2 % |
calcium | 1.3 % |
phosphorus | 0.85 % |
Dog's weight | Adult, Low activity |
Adult, Medium activity |
3kg | 55g | 80g |
5kg | 85g | 115g |
10kg | 140g | 190g |
20kg | 235g | 320g |
30kg | 320g | 435g |
40kg | 395g | 540g |
50kg | 470g | 640g |
60kg | 535g | 735g |
80kg | 665g | 910g |
Dog's weight | Adult, Low activity |
Adult, Medium activity |
3kg | 55g | 80g |
5kg | 85g | 115g |
10kg | 140g | 195g |
20kg | 235g | 325g |
30kg | 320g | 440g |
40kg | 400g | 545g |
50kg | 470g | 645g |
60kg | 540g | 740g |
80kg | 670g | 915g |
Dog's weight | Adult, Low activity |
Adult, Medium activity |
3kg | 55g | 80g |
5kg | 85g | 115g |
10kg | 140g | 195g |
20kg | 235g | 325g |
30kg | 320g | 440g |
40kg | 400g | 545g |
50kg | 470g | 645g |
60kg | 540g | 740g |
80kg | 670g | 915g |