Nutrivet dog food consists of wholesome, natural ingredients, with a high meat content and no grain. The Nutrivet concept offers your dog a natural and balanced diet, as they would find in the wild. Nutrivet dog food is ideal for dogs of all breeds and sizes.
Dry food for dogs over 7 years old, with a delicious recipe including plenty of tasty chicken and offering tailored protein- and fat levels, with reduced phosphorus- and sodium content.
Balanced dog food with a tailored protein-fat ratio that is ideal for dogs with normal activity levels, designed to support weight control with a tasty recipe including chicken and digestible rice.
Your benefits
Delicious dry food for sterilised or overweight dogs, with a balanced protein-fat ratio to support weight control, with a complete recipe including tasty chicken and digestible rice.
High-quality complete kibble for large breed dogs, with an optimised protein content for dogs between 2 - 7 years old, enriched with vitamins and minerals, with tailored calcium and phosphorus levels.
Holistic dry food for particularly active dogs aged 2 to 7 years, high energy value, with chicken as the first ingredient, source of vitamin E, provides prebiotics, contains yucca schidigera
Sold out
*RRP= Recommended Retail Price ** Conditions apply
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