Advance dog food offers dogs maximum health and promotes the optimal capacities of your dog's immune system, digestive tract, and circulatory system. Advance dog food is made from premium ingredients. Back to the dog food product group.
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Now when you buy selected Advance Dry Dog Food, that offers dogs maximum health and promotes the optimal capacities of your dog's immune system, you'll get Advance dog treats free!
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Complete dry food for French Bulldogs, with duck & rice as main ingredients, contains yeast and beet pulp, source of omega 3 & 6 as well as biotin, zinc and collagen, provides taurine.
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High-quality dry food for adult Yorkshire Terriers aged 1 year and over, with ham & apple for the best taste, easily digestible carbohydrates, with omega fatty acids & zinc, dental care kibble
Tasty dry food for German Shepherds, with turkey & rice. The recipe contains coconut oil & beneficial prebiotics for digestion, rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. Free from artificial additives.
Complete dry food for puppies and mother dogs, with rice & chicken. This recipe is rich in protein and antioxidants, with an optimal calcium-phosphorus ratio. Free from artificial colours or preservatives.
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*RRP= Recommended Retail Price ** Conditions apply
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