Greenwood's complete wet dog food is made with just a handful of quality ingredients. Each delicious variety is grain-free with a single source of meat, tasty vegetables and all the vital vitamins, minerals, trace elements and proteins your pet needs. The Greenwoods food range includes wet and dry dog food and there are 100% vegetarian options too, as well as tasty dog treats. Give your faithful companion a healthy, balanced meal, with no fillers or artificial additives. Just simple, all-natural, nutritious goodness that will make their hearts sing. Be your pet’s best friend. Give them Greenwoods – it’s simply great!
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Say Cheeese! – scrumptious 100% vegetarian wet dog food with everything your pet needs. This wholesome food provides essential vitamins, protein and minerals but is totally grain and additive-free.
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Vegantastic - delicious 100% vegan wet dog food with nutrient-rich quinoa, tasty pumpkin, lupin and lingonberries. This scrumptious, complete wet dog is grain-free and has everything your pet needs.
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Try them all: All About that Beef, Pickin' the Chicken and Talk Turkey to Me wet dog food in a mixed pack. Grain-free premium wet dog food, with just a few, quality ingredients and 1 source of meat.
Incredible Insects! Grain-free insect-based complete wet dog food, made with 50% Hermetia illucens (black soldier fly) larvae, a great source of novel protein. It's very tasty and well-tolerated.
Sold out
Viva Las Veggies! - tasty 100% vegetarian wet dog food with delicious veg and tangy yoghurt. This wholesome food provides essential vitamins, protein and minerals but is totally grain and additive-free.
*RRP= Recommended Retail Price ** Conditions apply
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