3 reviews forSanicat Fragrance Free Clumping Cat Litter
Upload your product photo17/12/24
Doesn't clump. No odor control.
To call this cat litter "clumping" is a severe overstatement, veering on false advertisement. It has no odor control. Oh, and it's super dusty. Can you think of anything better than trying to scoop your cat's litter just to watch the clumps disintegrating while being involved in a cloud of piss-smelling dust? I don't know if I feel more sorry for my cats or for myself.
Worst litter I ever used
I wouldn't take this litter if it was free. This is hands down the worst litter I've ever used. Absolutely NO odour control whatsover, the clumping is a joke, when attempting to scoop, the clumps completely disintegrate. I don't know how this is even on the market.
Very good clumping litter
This litter is great and it's the only one I'll buy now even though I have to order it online as I can't find it in shops. It clumps very well and is easily scoopable without breaking into chunks. The cat likes it also!