Clumps well and not very dusty
Having just made the mistake of trying Biokats Micro I am back to Golden Grey with relief. If you think this is dusty then try that stuff! Golden Grey is great - clumps immediately into solid non breakable dry clumps and isn't dusty that I would notice. Yes there probably is some dust, there is with most litters, and I guess we all have different perceptions and there are bad batches/bottom of the barrel, but, in my opinion at least, this stuff is not dusty.
I have 7 cats, four of which are Maine Coons with big hairy feet and yes, if they are clumsy enough to stand in it it does make grey marks on the floor but they easily wipe up. I have 7 enormous litter trays filled with a very deep layer of litter which are cleaned at least 3 times a day but they do still manage to stand in it which can be annoying but having tried so many other litters the only other that comes close is World's Best. But given the choice the cats much prefer the Golden Grey so that's what they get.