Grain-free wet dog food with selected meat and carbohydrates, ideal for sensitive dogs and those with food allergies, gluten-free and satisfying, with no additives.
RINTI Sensible 6 x 400g is ideally suited to dogs with digestive sensitivities or food allergies. This wet food contains only selected sources of protein and just rice and potato as sources of carbohydrates. It is also made without grain or gluten. As nutritionally sensitive dogs can often suffer with a loss of appetite, so it is essential that the food is well-accepted. Juicy meat chunks offer your dog a particularly intensive taste sensation, ideal for meat-lovers! This delicious, balanced food helps to support your dog's overall wellbeing.Analytical constituents
protein | 9.0 % |
fat | 6.0 % |
fibre | 0.5 % |
ash | 2.5 % |
moisture | 80.0 % |
Dog's weight | Daily serving in g |
7kg | 400g |
17kg | 800g |
42kg | 1600g |