Wet dog food with a high meat content, grain-free and wholesome recipe, without carbohydrates, with omega 3 fatty acids, several flavors, in a pouch, made in Germany
Meat-rich food is particularly advisable when it comes to a species-appropriate diet for dogs. The recipe for RINTI Kennerfleisch Pouches takes this into account: you get wholesome dog food made from meat that tastes delicious and is also conveniently pre-portioned.Analytical constituents
protein | 11.0 % |
fat | 8.0 % |
fibre | 0.6 % |
ash | 2.5 % |
calcium | 0.3 % |
phosphorus | 0.25 % |
moisture | 77.0 % |
calories that can be burned | 115.0 kcal |
Dog's weight | Daily amount in g/day |
8kg | 400g |
20kg | 800g |
52kg | 1600g |
Clean and fresh drinking water should always be available.