Your pet's cage is his castle. In his cage, he should feel safe and protected. Cages and accessories should also be well-suited to the needs of your pet. Here you'll find a great selection of cages for bunnies and dwarf rabbits.
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Pretty small animal cage for rabbits or guinea pigs, with two large front flaps, incl. 2 hay racks, removable top grid for easy cleaning, made in the EU, grid spacing: 18mm.
Indoor cage for guinea pigs, rabbits & other small animals, 12 elements to plug together, can be extended as desired, shape as desired, easy assembly, incl. cable ties, grid spacing: 1.7 cm
Your benefits
Small animal litter for rodents or bird cages, also suitable for parts of terrariums, made from 100% natural hemp, particularly absorbent and odor-binding, low in dust, can be spread very thinly
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A spacious starter cage, suitable for rabbits and guinea pigs with dark grey tray and matching hay rack - simply hang to the outside of the cage; bar spacing 2.5cm
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A classic home for small pets like guinea pigs and dwarf rabbits. An especially sturdy design with bar spacing: 2.9cm.
Robust small pet cage with folding front and raised base trough, including basic equipment such as plastic hay rack, plastic bowl and small plastic den, with a wire spacing of 2cm.
Practical small pet cage with black bars and two-part roof, with accessories for guinea pigs and rabbits, bar spacing 2.2 cm
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2-storey rabbit cage with extra space for animals to play, with plastic ramp, includes 2 water bottles, 2 food bowls, 2 hay racks, on wheels, easy to clean, bar spacing: 2.2cm
This spacious small pet cage is laid out on three levels, with lots of room for your small pets to run around. The cage comes with a full set of accessories. Bar spacing: 2.2cm
Spacious Rabbit & Guinea Pig Cage 120 with split folding screen, incl. basic equipment, bar spacing 2.5 cm. Dimensions: 118 x 58.5 x 51.5 cm
Stylish cage to offer a spacious home for guinea pigs and dwarf rabbits, with 2 large doors for easy access, including one on top, as well as a hay rack, carry handle and removeable grille.
Spacious Rabbit & Guinea Pig Cage 120 with split folding screen, incl. basic equipment, bar spacing 2.5cm
Large cage for small pets, includes plastic bowl, hay rack and drinking bottle, with an integrated nesting area that can be separated with a grille, and fully-removable roof for easy access.
Spacious small pet cage with plastic bowl, hay rack, drinking bottle and house, with integrated nesting area separable by a grille, with two doors and 2.45cm grille spacing.
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Large rabbit enclosure on 360° castors, with 2 large front doors for easy access, platform with 2 ramps and recessed bowl, with 2 hay racks, grid spacing: 18mm.
*RRP= Recommended Retail Price ** Conditions apply
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