Meat and protein-rich dry dog food, with 39% top quality meat from delicious venison and rabbit. This tasty kibble is made to a unique 80:20:0 recipe with 80% meat ingredients. No grain or gluten....further information
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Meat and protein-rich dry dog food, with 39% top quality meat from delicious venison and rabbit. This tasty kibble is made to a unique 80:20:0 recipe with 80% meat ingredients. No grain or gluten.
Purizon Adult Dog - Grain-Free Venison with Rabbit at a glance:
Meat and protein-rich complete dry dog food
80:20:0 recipe: 39% animal protein from top quality ingredients including fresh meat and fresh fish
Grain-free with 20% fruit, vegetables and herbs
Irresistible combination of 39% fresh game meat and tender rabbit
Purizon Adult - Grain-free Venison with Rabbit dry dog food is is based on the natural carnivorous diet of dogs and made to a unique recipe with a balanced mix of meat and fish ingredients. All dogs, no matter what their breed or size, need a meat and protein-rich diet. Each Purizon 80:20:0 recipe is formulated to meet this dietary need and contains 80% meat & fish ingredients, as well as a 20% nutrient-rich mix of fruit, vegetables and herbs.
This premium, complete dog food contains 0% grain and gluten and is free from artificial preservatives and colours. It provides your dog with an easy to digest meal with 39% animal protein and other essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals and roughage.
Your dog will savour the taste of this kibble with tasty fresh venison and rabbit.
Energy per kg:
(ME FEDIAF, 2019): 16.63 MJ / 3974 kcal
Analytical constituents
39.0 %
18.0 %
1.5 %
8.9 %
1.5 %
1.1 %
omega-3 fats
0.5 %
omega-6 fats
2.0 %
Feeding guide
Feeding recommendation
All dogs are different. The recommended feeding amounts are only guidelines and should be adapted to suit the individual needs (breed, age, temperament, activity level etc.) of your pet to ensure that it maintains an ideal body weight. When changing food, please introduce the new food gradually over a period of approx. two weeks. The food should be served dry. Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and please make sure your pet always has fresh drinking water available.
Purizon great quality food for this price. Top on market.
: 5/5
Great ingredients, dog loves it!
The ingredients are very good and are well listed (shows how much meat, fat, animal products there is) and has no hidden ingredients! I wish the pieces were a bit larger but I think they’re good for any dog under 15-20 kg
24/05/21|originally published in
: 4/5
Perfect for 5 of my 6 but too rich for the GSD
They all LOVE it, it smells wonderful and they really find it appetising. My dogs range from 8kg to 36kg and it's a perfect size kibble, large, flat and lightly crispy so even my little guy can cronch it easily. Sadly although it suits nearly all my dogs' digestion, it goes straight through my GSD mastiff cross who has a sensitive tummy and cannot get on with any kibble it seems. They're raw fed once a day but they have a handful of kibble in the morning to stave off hunger till eve meal.
Originally published in
18/03/21|originally published in
: 5/5
Our dog loves it very much
Small to medium sized food, our 14.5 kg dog really likes it. The size of the kibble is just right and it must be delicious because our dog won’t even look up until he has eaten all of it.
Originally published in
03/03/21|originally published in
: 5/5
Bilo recommends
Bought for the first time and immediately well received! He eats it with gusto, and a full dog is a happy dog!
Originally published in
23/12/20|originally published in
: 3/5
An Aussie and his dry food
The bag is fantastic, I really like that you can reseal it.
The test subject was a fussy Australian Shepherd who enjoyed the food for the first few weeks but as time went on he started losing interest.
No negative effects as far as stool / coat are concerned.
Great value for money.
Our picky eater unfortunately got bored of it but that happens pretty often.
Originally published in
15/12/20|originally published in
: 5/5
Venison with Rabbit
I highly recommend it. My dog is happy and healthy. Super high quality food, great price, and a variety of flavors. I recommend it 100%.
Originally published in
15/10/20|originally published in
: 5/5
Very good
I have been a big fan of Purizon for a long time so I decided to try out the new flavours. Both of my dogs enjoyed it from the off. Great ingredients, lots of protein, no grain. Thumbs up!
Originally published in
19/09/20|originally published in
: 5/5
Tasty dog food
We've had to try a lot of different brands because Argo is very fussy when it comes to food. He likes this a lot and his coat is beautiful!
Originally published in
25/08/20|originally published in
: 5/5
Great for young and old
Originally published in
19/07/20|originally published in
: 5/5
Dry dog food
Purizon Adult Venison & Rabbit has been very well received by my Terrier and he loves it. I bought it for the first time and I'm very pleased
Originally published in
22/05/20|originally published in
: 5/5
Recently tried
Both our dogs like this food and digest it very well
Originally published in
20/05/20|originally published in
: 5/5
Very well accepted
This food really agrees with my dog, excellent value for money.
I have been a happy customer for years !
Originally published in
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