Premium grain-free wet dog food inspired by the wolf's natural eating habits, with 1 source of animal protein, enriched with berries and herbs. Great value saver pack 24 x 300g in convenient trays.
We all love our dogs and consider them an important member of the family. They are endearing, very loyal pets and they deserve the right diet to keep them fit and healthy. Many believe that the domesticated dog originates from the wolf. Research into the wolves' natural eating habits shows that their diet consists of mostly meat and some berries, wild herbs and roots and this diet has remained unchanged throughout the course of evolution. Wolf of Wilderness grain-free dog food is based on these eating habits and will appeal to your dog's natural instincts. This wholesome wet food is similar to the wolf's natural diet. It is well accepted, easy to digest and provides your pet with a balanced nutrient uptake.Wolf of Wilderness wet dog food contains at least 66% pure meat. This is the sole source of animal protein and also provides your pet with essential fatty acids as well. The only other ingredients are fruits of the forest (mixed berries), wild herbs and roots such as nettle leaves, common yarrow and dandelion root, which provide important minerals as well as secondary plant matter. The premium quality ingredients provide your trusty pet with a tasty, natural meal and you can be sure that you are feeding your dog with a species appropriate diet. This delicious wet food is well accepted and suitable for dogs with nutritional sensitivities.
More information about the Wolf of Wilderness brand philosophy and entire food range can be found here: Wolf of Wilderness – Wild and Free!
Wolf of Wilderness 24 x 300g in trays is available in the following varieties:
Wolf of Wilderness dog food reflects the feeding patterns of the wild wolf and ensures that your dog has a balanced intake of nutrients.
"Good news: The tried and tested Wild Freedom Filet Snacks are now available in a new design! During the transition phase, your order may contain products in both the old and the new design."
Green Fields - Lamb:
66% lamb hearts, meat, liver, lung, rumen, 28.8% meat stock, 2% blackcurrants, 2% cranberries, 1% minerals, 0.2 % wild herbs (dandelion root, nettle, ribwort, common yarrow)
High Valley - Beef:
66% beef heart, meat, liver, rumen, lung, 28.8% meat stock, 2% blueberries, 2% raspberries, 2% blueberries, 1% minerals, 0.2 % wild herbs (dandelion root, nettle, ribwort, common yarrow)
Additives per kg:
Nutritional additives:
Green Fields & High Valley:
Vitamin D3 200 IU, vitamin E as all rac-alpha-tocopheryl acetate 20mg, zinc as zinc sulphate, monohydrate 25mg, manganese as manganous sulphate, monohydrate 1.4mg, iodine as calcium iodate 0.75mg, mg
Wild Hills - Duck:
66% duck hearts, liver, necks, 28.8 % meat stock, 2% raspberries, 2% blueberries, 1% minerals, 0.2 % wild herbs (dandelion root, nettle, ribwort, common yarrow)
Great Desert - Turkey:
66% turkey hearts, liver, necks, 28.8 % meat stock, 2% raspberries, 2% blueberries, 1% minerals, 0.2 % wild herbs (dandelion root, nettle, ribwort, common yarrow)
Oak Woods - Wild Boar:
66% wild boar, 28.8% broth, 2% blueberries, 2% blackberries, 1% minerals, wild herbs 0.2% (dandelion root, nettle, ribwort plantain, yarrow).
Blue River - Fish:
33% salmon, 33% herring , 28.8% broth, 2% blueberries, 2% raspberries, 1% minerals, wild herbs 0.2% (dandelion root, nettle, ribwort plantain, yarrow).
Wide Acres - Chicken:
Chicken (66%, consisting of chicken hearts, chicken meat, chicken liver, chicken gizzard, chicken neck, fat), 28.8% broth, blueberries (2%), raspberries (2%), 1% minerals, wild herbs 0.2% (dandelion root, nettle, ribwort plantain, yarrow).
Additives per kg: Nutritional additives:
Vitamin D3 200 IU, vitamin E as all rac-alpha-tocopheryl acetate 20mg, zinc as zinc sulphate, monohydrate 25mg, manganese as manganous sulphate, monohydrate 1.4mg, copper as copper (II) sulphate, pentahydrate 1.0mg, iodine as calcium iodate 0.75 mg,
Calorie content per 100g Green Fields: 117 kcal
Calorie content per 100g Wild Hills: 109 kcal
Calorie content per 100g High Valley: 112 kcal
Calorie content per 100g Great Desert: 107 kcal
Calorie content per 100g White Infinity: 117 kcal
Calorie content per 100g Oak Woods: 102 kcal
Calorie content per 100g Blue River: 117 kcal
Calorie content per 100g Wide Acres: 90 kcal
Analytical constituents
protein | 10.8 % |
fat | 8.5 % |
fibre | 0.5 % |
ash | 2.2 % |
moisture | 76.0 % |
Dog's weight in kg | Daily amount in g |
5kg | 270 - 370g |
10kg | 455 - 625g |
20kg | 770 - 1050g |
30kg | 1040 - 1425g |
40kg | 1290 - 1765g |
Wild Hills - Duck
Energy content in kcal/100g (according to modified Atwater Factors Fediaf, 2017): 109
Dog's weight in kg | Daily amount in g |
5kg | 290 - 400g |
10kg | 490 - 675g |
20kg | 825 - 1130g |
30kg | 1120 - 1535g |
40kg | 1390 - 1905g |
High Valley - Beef
Energy content in kcal/100g (according to modified Atwater Factors Fediaf, 2017): 112
Dog's weight in kg | Daily amount in g |
5kg | 285 - 390g |
10kg | 480 - 655g |
20kg | 805 - 1100g |
30kg | 1090 - 1490g |
40kg | 1355 - 1850g |
Dog's weight in kg | Daily amount in g |
5kg | 295 - 405g |
10kg | 500 - 680g |
20kg | 835 - 1145g |
30kg | 1135 - 1555g |
40kg | 1410 - 1925g |
Dog's weight in kg | Daily amount in g |
1kg | 80 - 110g |
3kg | 185 - 255g |
5kg | 270 - 375g |
10kg | 460 - 625g |
20kg | 770 - 1055g |
30kg | 1045 - 1430g |
40kg | 1295 - 1770g |
50kg | 1530 - 2095g |
60kg | 1755 - 2400g |
80kg | 2180 - 2980g |
Dog's weight in kg | Daily amount in g |
1kg | 95 - 110g |
3kg | 215 - 245g |
5kg | 310 - 360g |
10kg | 525 - 610g |
20kg | 885 - 1020g |
30kg | 1195 - 1385g |
40kg | 1485 - 1720g |
50kg | 1755 - 2030g |
60kg | 2010 - 2330g |
80kg | 2495 - 2890g |
Dog's weight in kg | Daily amount in g |
1kg | 80 - 110g |
3kg | 185 - 255g |
5kg | 270 - 370g |
10kg | 455 - 625g |
20kg | 765 - 1050g |
30kg | 1040 - 1425g |
40kg | 1290 - 1765g |
50kg | 1525 - 2085g |
60kg | 1750 - 2395g |
80kg | 2170 - 2970g |
Dog's weight in kg | Daily amount in g |
1kg | 105 - 145g |
3kg | 240 - 330g |
5kg | 350 - 480g |
10kg | 590 - 810g |
20kg | 995 - 1360g |
30kg | 1350 - 1845g |
40kg | 1675 - 2290g |
50kg | 1980 - 2710g |
60kg | 2270 - 3105g |
80kg | 2815 - 3855g |