Premium quality, low calorie complete dog food with less than 4% fat content. With lean meat, low-starch vegetables and fruits. Wheat-free and easily digestible. Suitable for dogs with weight issues.
Terra Canis Light- a new dog food line from Terra Canis! According to a study by the veterinary charity PDSA in 2010, more than a third of dogs in the UK are overweight. The Terra Canis Light menus are calorie-reduced and contain no more than 4% fat. It is recommended for all overweight dogs which need to follow a low calorie, low fat diet.
It is made using only lean meat and fruit and vegetables with a low starch content. All ingredients used are of 100% human-grade consumption quality Fruits such as papaya and pineapple contain important enzymes and are good for the digestive system and metabolism. Artichoke leaves are known for their positive effect on high blood lipid levels and the fibres from psyllium husks leave your dog feeling full for longer.
Terra Canis Light is a wheat-free, lactose-free complete meal, suitable for all dogs. It is light and very easy to digest. This wheat-free, nutritious dog food is a tasty, low-calorie meal which is ideal for overweight dogs.
Terra Canis dog food is a tasty home-cooked-style meal made from natural, premium ingredients. The Terra Canis nutritional concept with its varied recipes is based on the natural feeding habits of your dog. Careful, gentle preparation of fresh ingredients ensures an optimal diet with all the necessary nutrients to keep your pet healthy.
Terra Canis dog food is produced by an acclaimed Bavarian butcher using only fresh and high-quality ingredients. This third generation family business has already won many awards and prizes for its products and is one of the best butcher's shops in Munich with a reputation for only using high-quality products. As an EU registered food production company, it is subject to strict veterinary controls, it can only store, process, and sell produce of verifiable human consumption quality. This guarantees that Terra Canis dog food is made using the best premium ingredients.
Terra Canis Dog Food at a glance:
- Meat, fish and other ingredients are freshly processed. The ingredients are of proven human grade quality and sourced in Germany.
- Terra Canis guarantees that only the ingredients listed are used in the preparation of the food.
- The gentle cooking process (cold filled then slowly cooked at low temperatures) ensures maximum preservation of the high-quality, natural vitamins, secondary plant substances, minerals/trace elements and proteins.
- The addition of precisely calculated amounts of organic eggshells and mineral clay ensure an optimal, natural calcium-phosphorus-ratio of 1.3:1.0.
- Terra Canis consistently avoids the use of bone and animal meal, low-grade by-products, fillers, slaughterhouse waste, artificial colours, preservatives and flavourings, artificial anti-oxidants and any kind of chemical additives, binding agents or sugar.
- The result is an appetising and tasty wet dog food, that tastes homemade.
Terra Canis Dog Food Ingredients:
- Muscle meat: provides your dog's organism with high-quality proteins and omega-6 fatty acids. This meat includes heart and chicken, turkey and rabbit stomach (stomach and heart are pure muscle and do not count as offal). The proportion of muscle meat in any portion of meat should always be higher than that of any other ingredient and it forms the main part of Terra Canis dog food.
- Liver: The liver is a detoxifying organ and should only be fed rarely and in small portions to your dog. It does however contain plenty of minerals and trace elements and should not be entirely excluded from your dog's diet. Terra Canis therefore only uses liver in small quantities in a few of its recipes.
- Eggshell: Terra Canis replaces essential calcium gained in the wild from the prey's bones by using eggshells. Using comparative before and after analysis, the correct calcium-phosphorus ratio of 1.3:1.0, was established. The addition of eggshells achieves this optimum ratio in a natural way.
- Dietary fibre from vegetables, fruit and herbs: Dietary fibre is important for your dog's digestion; it stimulates and cleanses the digestive system. Different kinds of fruit and vegetables contain different kinds of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and secondary plant metabolites, so you should make sure your dog gets a good variety. Terra Canis recipes contain more than 20 different kinds of vegetables, fruit and herbs.
- Mineral clay: Mineral clay contains plenty of important minerals and trace elements (for example, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium, selenium, iron, copper, manganese, zinc) and also provides all essential amino acids.
- Rapeseed oil: Rapeseed oil consists of optimally balanced linoleic acid and is ideal for a balanced, healthy diet. It supplies your dog with natural vitamin A and important omega-3 fatty acids.
- Rosehip powder: Rosehip powder supplies vitamin C in addition to the dog's natural synthesis which supports the whole organism.
Terra Canis dog food is monitored by an independent, accredited laboratory for food product safety. All recipes are tested regularly so as to maintain a consistent standard of high quality. All Terra Canis products have the seal of quality.
Why does Terra Canis Light for dogs always contain a little liquid and / or jelly? The answer is quite simple: Fresh, raw meat, vegetables, fruit and herbs have a very high water content (70% to 90%). During the cooking process the water content turns to steam and is reduced. Unlike food is cooked in an open container Terra Canis Light is cooked in a closed can so the liquid is not reduced and remains in the can. Terra Canis does not use grain, pseudo grain or synthetic binding agents in these menus so the liquid is not thickened. The cooking process gives the liquid a jelly-like consistency. This is a natural process and the jelly should be included as part of the meal since it contains many important nutrients. These recipes do not contain more liquid than Terra Canis Classic Menus which include grain and pseudo grain. The liquid in these recipes has been absorbed and bound by the millet, brown rice or amaranth and is no longer visible.