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Supplementary veggie wet dog food made with carrots, pumpkin and mango. All the ingredients in this delicious gluten-free food are freshly and gently prepared to retain the great taste and nutrients.
Lukullus Veggie supplementary wet dog food is made to a delicious, meat-free recipe. The combination of vegetable protein and lots of fruit and vegetables provide your dog an irresistible treat. It is made with fresh ingredients that are gently processed to preserve the amazing taste and important nutrients.Analytical constituents
protein | 4.0 % |
fat | 2.4 % |
fibre | 5.0 % |
ash | 1.2 % |
moisture | 83.0 % |
Feeding recommendation:
Feed as a supplement to a complete food. Serve at room temperature. Please ensure that your pet always has fresh drinking water. Store opened can in the fridge.