Delicious complete wet food for dogs in convenient to serve trays. This grain-free recipe contains superfoods, prebiotics and high-quality ingredients. Available in various meat or fish flavours....further information
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Product description
Delicious complete wet food for dogs in convenient to serve trays. This grain-free recipe contains superfoods, prebiotics and high-quality ingredients. Available in various meat or fish flavours.
Tasty, balanced and wholesome: Cesar Natural Goodness Grain-Free with Superfoods 24 x 100g is the perfect wet food for your dog. The wet food comes in practical trays which makes it easy and convenient to serve. This delicious meal is available in a variety of different delicious flavours with meat or fish.
Cesar Natural Goodness Grain-Free with Superfoods 24 x 100g recipe is grain-free and is great for dogs with sensitive tummies. It also contains high-quality ingredients that have been gently prepared. Treat your four-legged friend with Cesar Natural Goodness Grain-Free with Superfoods and provide them with a delicious and nutritionally balanced diet.
Cesar Natural Goodness Grain-Free with Superfoods 48 x 100g at a glance:
Delicious and wholesome: complete wet food suitable for dogs of all breeds
Nutritionally balanced: suitable for your dog's daily diet
High-quality ingredients: carefully prepared
Different flavours: with fish or meat and superfoods
Variety of flavours: for plenty of variety in the food bowl
Meat and animal by-products (94% natural*), fish and fish by-products* (incl. 4% salmon), vegetables* (incl. 2% carrots, 2% green beans and 0.05% dried spinach, equivalent to 0.5% spinach), minerals, vegetable by-products (0.14% chicory extract), oils and fats* (0.14% fish oil), dill*.
Meat and animal by-products (94% natural*; incl. 4% beef), vegetables* (incl. 2% peas, 2% red peppers and 0.05% dried spinach, equivalent to 0.5% spinach), minerals, vegetable by-products (0.14% chicory extract), oils and fats* (0.14% linseed oil), parsley*.
Feeding recommendation:
Cesar Natural Goodness Grain-Free with Superfoods is a complete wet food for dogs.
Dog's Weight
Number of trays per day
3 1/2 - 4
6 1/2 - 7
10 1/2 - 11 1/2
16 - 17 1/2
Please serve food at room temperature. Clean and fresh drinking water should always be available.
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