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Whiskas Anti-Hairball reduces hairball formation and helps prevent hairballs from developing in cats, with a crunchy shell and an irresistibly juicy core.
Cats are naturally very clean animals. Brushing with the tongue causes indigestible hair to accumulate in the stomach. These can stick together into hairballs and cause irritation or blockages. Whiskas Anti-Hairball helps prevent hairballs from forming. The specially developed formula with natural dietary fibers ensures that the hair passes through the digestive system without any problems before it can form into a hairball. With Whiskas Anti-Hairball you offer your velvet paw an optimal supplement to the main food. A meaty tasty cat snack with functional benefits.
Whiskas Anti-Hairball at a glance:
Analytical constituents
protein | 22.0 % |
fat | 22.0 % |
fibre | 2.0 % |
ash | 9.0 % |