Wholesome dry food for adult cats, with fresh herring, pumpkin and orange, without genetic engineering and artificial preservatives, high proportion of animal proteins, grain-free
Cats are gourmets and sometimes quite demanding when it comes to food selection. With Farmina N&D Ocean Grain-Free Herring, Pumpkin & Orange Adult, you can provide your cat with a high-quality dry food that not only ensures a complete diet, but also tastes great.
The cat food is made with selected ingredients, including
fresh herring
, pumpkin and dried fruits such as oranges. The unusual composition flatters the palate and also helps to ensure that your velvet paw is supplied with all the important nutrients and vital substances he needs for a healthy cat life. The recipe is
grain-free, so Farmina N&D Ocean Grain-Free Herring, Pumpkin & Orange Adult is
also well suited to
nutritionally sensitive pets. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and artificial preservatives are also not included. On the other hand, the proportion of animal proteins in the total protein content is high.
Farmina N&D Ocean grain-free Herring, Pumpkin & Orange Adult at a glance
- Wholesome dry food for adult cats
- Selected ingredients: with fresh herring, pumpkin and dried oranges
- Good taste: for high acceptance even by demanding cats
- Grain-free: suitable for animals with sensitive digestive systems
- High percentage of animal proteins (96% of the total protein content)
- With vitamins, antioxidants and other nutrients and vital substances
- Low glycaemic index: has little effect on blood sugar levels
- Without genetically modified organisms (GMO)
- Without artificial preservatives