These high-quality cat treats boast 98% tender Swiss meat, with just a single protein source per variety. They are grain- and sugar-free and delicious, gently prepared with no artificial additives.
The finest Swiss meat goes into these grilled, dried Catz Finefood Meatz Treats, forming crispy meaty strips that your cat will adore! Each variety contains just one source of high-quality animal protein and is made up of 98% pure meat. Every strip is around 3.5cm long and free from sugar, grains and genetically modified ingredients.
The farmers and meat-producers in Switzerland find the best conditions in order to work in a species-appropriate and sustainable way. The quality is clear in the finished flavour, which will be appreciated by even the fussiest of cats. Catz Finefood Meatz Treats are ideal as a little gourmet snack or as play motivation – or just to make your cat happy! Every flavour contains beneficial ingredients from biotin or cottage cheese, so you can spoil your cat as well as doing it some good!
Catz Finefood Meatz Treats at a glance:
- High-quality supplementary cat food
- Ideal as a small between-meal snack, as the motivation in a search or just as a treat!
- With 95% pure meat: each flavour variety contains just one source of protein, making them ideal even for cats with sensitivities
- Swiss quality: the meat is produced through sustainable, species-appropriate Swiss agriculture, giving it a great appealing flavour for your cat
- BBQ flavour: making these treats ultra delicious
- With beneficial ingredients:
- Catz Finefood Meatz N°3 Chicken contains biotin, which can have a postive effect on the quality of its fur
- Catz Finefood Meatz N°5 Veal contains lactose and salt-free cottage cheese, a healthy protein source, well-accepted by cats
- Sugar- and gluten-free
- GMO-free
- Free from artificial additives
- Practical packaging: stand-up pouches with resealable zip lock