Grain-free premium complete cat food with natural ingredients, suitable for cats with food intolerances and allergies. Single protein wet cat food made from ingredients with a low allergenic potential
Catz finefood Purrrr is a gourmet wet cat food for cats with food allergies or intolerances. The Purrrr range is easy to digest and made from ingredients that are less likely to cause reactions or symptoms of food intolerance. All of the different varieties are grain-free and contain only one single protein source, which also makes these cans suitable for use in exclusion diets.The flavours range from the classics, like chicken, to the more exotic, such as kangaroo, but all have one thing in common: the meat varieties used are all ones with a low allergenic potential. Each of the flavours has been prepared to meet the exacting standards of even the pickiest cat, whilst also being ideal for use with allergic and food intolerant felines.
The recipes are well designed and limited to only a few natural ingredients. Each can contains a high proportion of meat or fish, combined with cooking broth, minerals and nutritious oils, which provides your cat with a species-appropriate diet that is easy to digest, healthy and tasty.
All catz finefood products are free from artificial additives and the ingredients come from quality assured German producers. This luxury cat food brand does not use any bone meal, formed meat or attractants. The fresh ingredients are thoroughly checked by vets before being processed in a way that assures the highest standard of quality and food safety. Gentle steam cooking ensures that almost all of the essential nutrients and fatty acids are preserved. This moist food also contains the right amount of taurine, an amino acid that is essential for cats’ health.
The Mixed Pack I contains the following flavour varieties:
Catz finefood Purrr at a glance:
Analytical constituents
protein | 10.2 % |
fat | 5.2 % |
fibre | 0.4 % |
ash | 2.5 % |
moisture | 80.0 % |
Catz finefood Purrrr is a complete cat food.
You should feed your cat 3 - 5% of its bodyweight in food per day.