9 reviews forJosera SensiPlus
Upload your product photo20/08/16
Great food with fantastic acceptance.
Back when I didn't know the first thing about dog food, I made the mistake of feeding my dog some very cheap dry food. And then I wondered why he didn't seem to like it!? When I ordered this, everything changed. My dog looked forward to feeding time, his digestion improved, and I am happy to spend a few pounds extra to make my dog healthy and happy.
Very good
I recently switched my english bulldog over to dry food. She loves this food and it agrees very well with her. We tried a different food briefly and she instantly got tummy problems from it.
Josera SensiPlus is the best.
Highly recommended!
After our usual food changed recipe, I was very worried because my dog has such a delicate tummy. A friend recommended Josera SensiPlus and I gave it a go and was instantly convinced. From the word go my dogs loved it and had no problems. I will stick with this food!
Finally a food for both of them
Our American Bulldog is always scratching himself and our beagle has had chronic diarrhoea since being a puppy. Josera Sensi Plus has solved both of their problems!
Finally no more stomach problems
Even as a puppy our retriever had tummy problems, which you could tell from his excessive salivating, retching, and audible swallowing. I got diagnoses from throat problems to acid reflux. Countless visits to the vet and changes of food later and we tried Josera....and hey presto :-)))) AMAZING!!!! As if there had never been anything wrong. Sometimes I spice things up with sausage or chicken or even use it as a treat. We are very happy :-))
Great food
My dog has a pancreatic insuffiency and thanks to this food he was able to finally put weight on again, and the diarrhoea and stomach problems have finally gone. He can handle it really well with a few added enzymes. No more visits to the vet!!!
Suuuper (Y)
Our dogs have had this since they were puppies and we have never had any trouble at all. Quite the contrary, our dogs are happy and healthy ;)
Very good food
I can only recommend it.
Very good dog food.
Food stopped my dog diarhhea, coat is shiny, ears clean, poo is easy to be picked up.