13 reviews forCookies Delikatess Chicken
Upload your product photo01/07/18|Katrina
Was hoping for the variety, all 3 were the same
I ordered these, hoping to get some of the stick type chews. Instead I received 3 packs of filets.
The product itself is great. My dog really enjoys them, they are all a good size, and uniform, no huge pieces or really small ones, and I haven’t seen any crumbs. Just a shame I didn’t get to give him the sticks, our cat has sticklettis and our dog (a St. Bernard mix of 100+ lbs!) is jealous!
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
Fantastic treats!
Our Jack Russel mix loves these! He gets the smaller version (the strips) and they keep him busy for a little while, but he sticks with them until it's gone! This is a high quality product - fully recommended!
My dog's new favourite
I will be definitely buying it again. It is perfect treat that my puppy loves.
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
Perfect treats
I cut these up, with strong kitchen scissors into treat sized pieces, to put in my pocket when we go for a walk, they are nice and dry and not too smelly. It encourages my Scottie to actually go for a walk instead of sniffing e-v-e-r-y single blade of grass! Very useful and he loves them and will do just about anything for them, I think they must be very low calories too. Great training aid!
My mutts love these. If they're being stubborn, I just say "chick stick" and they suddenly behave! These are the best and safest chicken strips around unlike the poisonous ones from China.
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
04/11/13|Colin Lloyd
More news from Annie........
I'm now 6 years old and just to let you know I STILL love the chicken strips!!
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
14/05/13|patricia whitehead
my dogs woof them up
my shitzu and pug absoloutly love these chicken strips they are not fattening so I can give them at any time ,I try to have a good supply in ,and love to see them enjoying these ,try them for your dog you wont be disappointed and your dogs certainly wont be,, patricia
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
06/09/12|Colin Lloyd
A message from Annie.....
My name's Annie and I am a five year-old Border Collie. I am very intelligent and beautiful as well. My Dad has bought me Pedigree Chicken strips for many years although they are very expensive. A small 50 gram packet is £2.99p. However, having recently discovered Zooplus, he is now paying the equivalent of 66p per packet of 50 grams. My Dad has asked me to write and thank you for supplying an excellent product at a superb price. Annie
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
19/04/12|Paul Slattery
Chicken Fillets
Our little doggie hates, despises and detests all treats with the sole exception of these Delikatess strips. He loves, adores and scoffs them down.
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
05/12/10|Stephanie Naylor-Franklin
King Charles' Spaniels' delight in Cookie's delikatess chicken
My King Charles Spaniels (Rupert and Maggie-May) are extremely fussy feeders - especially the little girl who has to be tempted to eat anything. However, they adore these chicken strips and will walk on two legs round the coffee table trying to find some. The little girl will actually steal a strip out of the mouth of her much larger brother much to his dismay but he cannot deny her anything even his favourite food. These treats are taken everywhere with us even on holiday. What pleases me is that they are healthy treats. Thank you so much.
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
I have a 6 month old dachshound who is a very fussy eater, He these are fantastic he loves them, these and the puppy spagetti are the only treats he will eat and now expects one when we are getting ready to go out. its taken his worry of us leaving him and turned it into a 'yeah they going out im getting a treat'. :)
My pup has adored these treats since she was tiny. They look so good you want to try them yourself heh heh. I just wish they were cheaper.
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
I bought 2 packs of the strips when I first brought my new puppy home. She adores them and I have to buy them each time I order my canned dog food. A pack does last quite a long time too so they are economical.
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk