15 reviews forGRAU Velcote Skin and Coat Supplement
Upload your product photo11/04/16
My adopted greyhound came stressed with poor coat, scratching/nibbling 24/7despite flea treatment/fish oils/lower protein diet etc. until his back-end became almost bald/alopecia. Gave him Velcote rec. on a greyhound forum, for 2 months (500ml), plus 2-3 tbls. porridge oats and deep sea Kelp with meals. Coat became glossy, stopped nibbling/losing hair within a week and in 2 mths hair growing back. Now looks great, not perfect, but no longer looks 'moth-eaten'!
great stuff!
This helps my white cat with his scratching and gives both my cats a glossy coat. Economical to use, highly recommend this product.
Not Impressed
Said I would try this for my lab, he's a really bad shedder. Bottle is nearly gone and I have to say there is no change in his coat. So not impressed with this product.
absolutely fantastic!!!!
i would recommend this to anyone! my dog was loosing fur like crazy and i thought i will have a bold dog (not very funny). i discovered velcote and problem solved! no more furry bits on the floor, no more itching, dog can lay on the sofa - and no more fur stuck to our clothes! gets even better - Max is so shinny that i have been asked if i polished my dog! LOL
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
stop the itch
I have a 12 month old German Shepherd bitch who just kept scratching. Giving her Velcote has apparently stopped the itch and her coat is really glossy.
04/07/09|Nicky Case
It REALLY works!
My Dogue de Bordeaux bitch developed a palm-sized bald patch on both sides of her body. She was shedding at an unbeleivable rate. After reading the other reviews I thought that I would give the product a try. I have been using this now for 6 weeks and the bald patches have completely grown back. Its amazing. Her coat has now gone silky smooth and shines. The excessive shedding has stopped. I have bought another bottle and will continue to use this product to keep her coat in tip-top condition! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
It really does do what it says on the tin (or bottle!!)
Yay, at last, just like all the other customers I have found Velcote to be the "wonder product" for greyhound alopecia. We have two rescue greyhounds both had balding hindquarters and little patches of bald on their tails so I thought - give it a go. Well it's amazing one dog's hair has come back in quicker than the other but both show a remarkable improvement. I'm just about to buy some more from here so I can't say any more than that - another very satisfied customer.
For greys excellent
I also gave this product a try and it does work in only 4-5 days. When i got my greyhound , he has itchy skin and was scratching a lot. I was a bit afraid he might have fleas, but started feeding him real food (not too many veggies, because they gave him often diarrhea) but 1/3 rice or less preferably and meat (raw or pork lightly heated). He has transformed from a fuzzy "brownish"-grey into a glossy grey-"blue". I think this product did much more for him than the 1 month of pure Omega 3 cod liver oil from the pharmacy. I still think that, if you plan to feed naturally there are a few other supplements you definitely need to add, but this one did its job well.
13/02/09|Mrs T Carvell
very sucssesfull
hi i have a lurchercross and he developed two bald patches on his back leg,not through biting
or scratching,i found the website and read the reviews for this product,was not sure if the product would work,but the reviews said lurchers can have a problem called alipeshia,my dog has been on this velcote for 4 weeks and the fir has all grown back,i am amazed by this and will continue to use it,all i can say is give it a go.
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
Pretty Impressive
We have two retired Greyhounds. Both had patchy fur and in particular their rears were pretty bald - poor guys! I read the reviews on here and decided to give this product a try. On the Greyhound who's fur was probably the worst it has worked beautifully and he now looks so healthy compared to before. My other Greyhound didn't have quite the same success. It has helped a lot but the skin on his back is now quite sensitive - not 100% sure if this is to do with the product but the timing ties in with when the sensitivity started. Don't get me wrong - it's not a big problem and overall I think the product has done what it says it will. Certainly worth a try - particularly for Greyhounds - the best pets ever!
24/04/08|Cotton Doodle
Great Product, It WORKS!
Bought this for both my cat with itchy bald ears & my puppy with dry skin. Both are no longer itching and have beautiful shiny coats after only a week of use. I read the other reviews before I bought it and just had to add my recommendation too! Also try changing to a holistic food with no additives, it works wonders!!!
Found a treatment that actually does what it claims
We rehomed a Greyhound that had balding hind quarters and tail and post spaying,shaved stomache hair that wouldn't grow back. Having read the other reviews on Velcote we tried it and were amazed with the results. Within days there seemed to be improvement. We have now been using Velcote for 2 months and the baldness in all areas has now been replaced with thick glossy fur.
It Really Works!
I bought this supplement for my Greyhound. Her back legs and thighs had always been bald, the so called 'Greyhound Alopecia' and after about a week of using this you could see the coat starting to come back. She now has a lovely shiny coat all over.
Wow!! Unbelieveable result
I tried Velcote for both my dogs. One in particular was shedding his hair at a frightening rate. After just 3 days the difference was incredible. He has almost stopped shedding completely and his coat is much softer to the touch. He would never have a shiny coat as he is more a wirey haired dog but my other dog's coat is gleaming.
Just going to order another batch now!
velcote supplement
if you have problems with hormonal bitches that keep shedding their coat this product is a must,older dogs that start losing substance of coat this is a must, and you really can see the difference in three to four days. An excellent product.