25 reviews forGimCat GrasBits
Upload your product photo29/04/23|Leanne Pavey
He loves them
They have been life changing. He is a nebelung & struggles with hairball obstructions. These help him bring up furballs, he couldn't before. He loves the taste. Makes him very purry, very happy & are his favourite treat. On my second tube now. Our girl cat other hand doesn't like but that's OK. He likes & he's a fuss pot & it's given him a better quality of life.
Hit and miss depending on Cat!
My very picky female Tabby loves these but my male tuxedo who eats most things turned his nose up at them. He may change his mind as he does take 'notions' about what he likes!
08/01/20|Susan Jeffries
Good Purchase
Sammie turned her nose up at first, so l crushed the tables up and put them next to her food and eventually she licked the bits up, so that's a success!
Cat won't eat them
My 7 year old tortoiseshell female will not eat these. I have been trying for weeks. Giving them to her like any other treat didn't work, so I tried to mix a few of them in with her dry food. She ate one or two initially, but then started spitting them out next to her bowl.
would recommend
I can't say my cat adores them, but occasionally he will eat them! Can't tell if it changed anything as we only started the package.
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
Great, good for my cat and for me
It was love at first taste for Charly, who always devours the GrasBits. Good ingredients and nutrients. Highly recommended!
nothing special
I bought this product because of the reviews.But my cat didnt liked it.
13/04/14|Rebecca Burt
kitty loves them
My boy is 12 weeks + 5 days so he has not had fur balls but even still he really enjoys these treats!
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
My Balu has always loved eating this, and has never tried anything else. He gets it at night with his dry food and he's never left it so far.
Another great thing is that he never throws it up, which is very important for us, because the whole apartment apart from the kitchen is carpeted.
30/06/13|Pat A
If your indoor cat has litter box odour....
My adored rescue cat has always had litterbox deposits that, well, ponged to high Heaven! I found the food she was least allergic to (and tried kitty enzymes) yet the pong continued - but reduces ENORMOUSLY on these tablets which she loves! I imagine it is the chlorophyll that reduces the odour if she has four or more a day (she is a small slim very fit and active cat). My cat adores them and so does my dog - long may they make them!
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
My Kookoo goes crazy
Our oochie koo has an excellent raw food diet and this is the first treat we have introduced and she LOVES THEM! Although it is difficult to say how healthy they are...
Popular with one of my cats!
One of my boys goes crazy for these - he loves it however the other one simply doesn't care. Probably not something I will regularly order as they are quite expensive for a tiny bag of them but definitely worth a try as some cats do like it and being grass it's supposed to be good for them.
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
Must have!
I tried to grow cat grass once but my indoor cat didn't show any interest in it, so I tried these ones instead and he loves them! He enjoys them everyday as a treat!!
19/08/12|John G.
My cat loves Gimpet Grass Bits. He becomes excited the moment I shake the tablets onto his plate. This is a top quality product, and one I shall be buying regularly from now on.
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
Enjoyed more than grass
I had grown 3 packs of grass trays for my two kittens without much interest. Now I occasionally give them these grass tablet treats and they enjoy them more and I feel it's good for them.
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
I wasn't sure about that product my kitten will eat a grass tablet BUT she loves it!!! Somehow the smell is nice for her. So I recommend this for everyone! :) Great stuff !!!!
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
02/03/11|Fiona Cunnngham
I only ordered a small pack of these as I wasn't sure what to expect from reading other reviews, but both my kittens went bananas for them and would have eaten the whole pack had I given them. Great idea for indoor cats and I'll definitely be ordering more :)
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
ginger loves grass
my ginger boy really loves it. all I have to do is to shake the bag
Loved by two 9 year old Maine Coons
Like everyone I ordered this expecting total refusal, but was encouraged by the reviews saying, one cat did the other didn't.
Both of them tucked in and ask for them everyday. Huge success for two indoor cats.
Very much worth a try and good value. But for two large cats, could do with a mega size.
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
14/03/10|Anita Misztalska
very good
My 2 indoors cats love the bites. I buy the real cats grass from Gimpet now hope the cats will love it as much as the tablets.