8 reviews forRoyal Canin Expert Feline Gastrointestinal Fibre Response
Upload your product photo09/11/23|Natalija
Constipation solution
Our cat was chronically constipated for almost a year, pooping every 4-5 days and suffering majorly while doing so. This food in cobination with laxatives as prescribed by the vet has made her life easier! We do have to go for an occasional anal gland squeeze, but we are a happy customer for over 2 years now.
I was taking my cat to the vet every month for help with constipation. Tried different foods, laxatives, nothing worked for long. I was stressed, watching for signs of constipation. Saw this food here, thought I'd give it a try and it WORKED. I am in my 3rd month without a visit to my vet! Yes, it's pricey, but so is a vet visit each month and sometimes the visits included aneasthetics and an overnight stay!
A 4kg bag should last me a good while, except my 8 other cats steal it!
Excellent product
I was a bit sceptical about getting this as it was so pricey. However, I have noticed a great difference with the cat who was having 'issues'. I give her her normal food, and this is an extra.
I'm very pleased with the product. Unfortunately, as it is really expensive, I can only afford to have it as a side dish and not her main food, but it seems to be working well like this.
Our cat CONSTANTLY had impacted and infected anal glands! And horrific torture at the vet's to squeeze them... OMG!! Anyway, this has literally, changed her life and ours. No more scooting; no more infected and impacted anal glands!!
21/02/20|Carol Lester
Changed my cat's life !
My little blind cat was alway's constipated despite all efforts to help, good quality soft food, water fountain etc, even my vet had no answers ! She would cry before passing small hard lumps and it was really upsetting to watch her and feel helpless. After lot's of research online I came across Royal Canin Fibre Response. I can't believe the change it has made to her life ! She now has no problem's at all passing poo. They are now large and well formed. She loves the flavour of the biscuits too
Made from maize
My poor baby cant tolerate maize and this is the main ingredient. My fault for not checking it out first! A handful of these gave her the runs and a sick tummy for days. However she was enjoying them while eating them so they must be tasty as shes fussy. Pity i cant review them properly
My Buster's a Happy Cat Again
I had moved 2 an apartment so Buster had been finding becoming a house cat difficult-Constipation became a problem 4 him - it was an ordeal 4 him 2 use the litter tray - he would end up vomiting. He was so miserable - hiding where he could & hes a big cat-Visit to the vet, she told me about this food- well it is an absolute solve to the problem. He is now regular every day same time, eating well , Shiny coat his eyes are bright again ! Relief
Changed my cat's life !
My blind cat was very constipated and used to cry before going to the toilet. She only used to go every few day's too and they were very small and hard. After getting her checked out at the vet and him finding nothing medically wrong with her I did some research and found this Royal Canin Fibre Response. This has transformed my cat Mary's life ! She absolutely love's the taste of it and since being on it she now has large very pliable mild smelling poo's. Her coat is glossy too !