10 reviews forYarrah Organic Nature's Finest Chew Sticks
Upload your product photo04/06/22
Rock solid and smelled unappealing.
Bought these with my Zoo Points. The sticks were rock solid and had a horrible smell, the cats took one sniff, tried to bury them in the carpet and walked off.
I would not recommend these.
My cat gets too excited when she see these!
My cat will meow and be racing towards the cupboard when I get one of these bad boys out!
At first she will play with it, run, skid and catch it and then she will finish it off. Great food, organic and keeps her entertained, which is always a good thing.
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
Going going.... gone!
My cat loves these. I think they should change the name to swallow sticks though, he barely chews them! A nice treat to give him :)
My 2 bengals absolutely love these! They take longer for them to chew which is brilliant. Will definitely be back for more!
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
Very fussy cat, loves them!
I've bought a ridiculous number of treats for my cat, and she's snubbed every single one (including dreamies) - she loves these though! She paws at it the moment I get the wrapper out and is always asking for more.
Good, but a little tough
My cat gets a stick for a treat every now and then but I usually get cheapish ones. Feeling decadent, I thought Polo may appreciate an organic, gourmet stick. He was all over it but soon lost interest as it was just a little too hard to chew. It was still lying on the floor the next day so I put it in the bin. I gave the rest of them to another cat friend who ate them up without complaint, so it could be that in Polo's old age he can't be bothered to work for his treats. Lazy man. I think he ate one once, or else it is lost in a crevice and covered in slobber for eternity.
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
My cat loves them but some go bad within a date
My cat loves these and I buy them for her but sadly quite a few times I opened one and found it went mouldy. My cat then refuses it and I have to bin it, hence the 3 stars.
Perhaps a shorter sell by date would be better.
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
Healthy (I think)
I chose these sticks because they have a high meat content which I think is better than the ones filled with water and who knows what else. My boy kitten growls so my little girl can't get anywhere near it. It takes him a long time (minutes rather than seconds) to devour it, unlike the water filled ones. It's a very hard stick though and I slightly worry about him wolfing it so quickly and not chewing it up enough, that he might choke. I'll probably try a different brand next time.
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
27/05/11|Judi Thomas
A great treat
These set my cat purring as soon as he hears the packet being opened, he adores them. I usually hang on the them and let him pull off bits in a tug-of-war, for the fun and to stop him bolting them down in a few gulps!
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
Give me more please.
My british short hair boy loves those sticks and they are very important part of his diet.
He has learned to recognise the sound of the wrapper and runs fast to get his treats which he chews with pleasure.
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk