115 reviews forCat's Best Smart Pellets Cat litter
Upload your product photo26/08/24
This is the worse litter I have ever used. The clumps alfalfa apart and the litter is too big to sufficiently clean property so a lot of litter is lost.
Always damaged
Every time we order kitty litter it is broken in the box and only ever get to use half of it
Excellent cat litter for long-haired cats
My cat is Siberian.Long fur,3 layers, dense undercoat,furry paws.It is really important to have as little dust and as less tracking as possible. The best litter I have ever tried was Applaws but I cannot find it anymore. 2nd best is this one. It does clump fully but only after, say, 15 minutes. If you clean the tray as soon as the cat goes, it will partly fall apart.I use 2 scoops, 1 dense for urine, 1 with larger spaces for poop. I clean the tray at least once a day. The more, the better!
10/08/22|Howard Family
Game Changer - Expensive Though...
We have been using Cats Best Original for 2 years now. Though we loved the outdoor control and clumping of the crushed pellets we were driven crazy by the tracking. With the Small Pellet there is virtually no tracking. It is a game changer if you have issues with litter tracking. Two cons: 1. Odour control is not as effective as the original because the pellets cannot cover as well. Simple solution is to add more pellets to your litter box. 2. It is almost 1.5 times cost of the original product
My go to litter
I like this litter a lot, it’s harder for my girls to spray it out of the boxes and they really like it. There’s no dust or smell from it and the chunky pellets last a reasonable length of time. Not fantastic at odour control but definitely not the worst out there by far. It is a more expensive option but it’s a good product
Very good but the bag was broken when received it...
Really absorb the odor but the bag was broken when I received it which could be improved
We change our kitten litter 2 by month and keep clean every day. It controls the smells very well and it is easy to clean. Clamping is good too.
Really happy!
By far the best litter I've ever tried on Zooplus! Good odour control, clumps well and quite fast too in my opinion. It does track a little but it is also very easy to spot and clean up. Will use this litter from now on :D
Terrible at tracking
This litter clumps occasionally but if you have more than 1 cat, I would advise you to choose something else. It tracks like hell. I find little pieces of the litter everywhere in the house. It is mad how much I have to vacuum daily (multiple times per day in fact). I would not recommend this litter.
Problem solved!
This is the best solution I have discovered till now.
Thanks for excellent product on ZOOPLUS .
28/05/19|Xiang C
Won’t buy again.
I brought a 5kg bag of this litter from a local pet shop to try it out. The odor control was excellent, clumping was good enough also, very gental for my kitchen’s paws pad, and won’t stick on his long fur. So I brought This one. But clumping is bad enough- it does clump, only sometimes. When it doesn’t clump, wet small pieces loose litter everywhere. Until the smell as bad as a box has something gone bad and hasn’t opened for 10 years. I clean his litter box every day or every two days.
Best litter available!
Having three house cats has always been messy, I have used Cat’s Best for years and been happy with it apart from the tracking...it gets everywhere! By the time I’ve hoovered the stairs and turned back round there is more there! Decided to try the smart pellets despite the price difference and I am not disappointed. Tracking is virtually non-exsistent especially as my cats have litter trays that they jump out of so it falls off them. I’m so pleased I changed and won’t be going back!
Not for my cats
Cats used the Cat's Best Original Cat litter and were happy with that, so was I, very good clumpling, great odor control and no waiste.
Thought this one would be better but is so much worse. Clumping is somewhat there and then it´s not - it breaks up into pieces with wet soil mixed with dry pellets surrounding it. Odour control is worse then the original was. Going back to Original and throwing this one away.
23/10/18|Paula Brading
Fantastic Product (so far!)
I have only switched to this litter recently but, so far, I love it! I very nearly didn't buy it because of all the negative reviews, but I'm so glad I decided to try it for myself - it's amazing! Virtually no tracking, clumps brilliantly, no odour, and no dust! It's much more expensive than other brands of litter, but it's worth every penny in my mind. I was using the Oko Plus version before, which is great but is dusty & tracks really badly - this is SO much better!
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
Best for my cat
I have 3 cats. My ancient tabby lives in my bedroom. He seems to be a litter magnet and you can appreciate that I don't want to be walking on cat litter in bare feet. This is the first cat litter I have tried that didn't get all over the room including all over my bed. It doesn't clump as well as the ordinary Cat's Best which I use for my other 2 cats but as he is in my bedroom I remove the clumps twice a day and I haven't had any trouble with dust.
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
After all this negative comments I wasn’t sure but I have decided to try it and it didn’t disappoint me! My ragdoll doesn’t drag the litter through whole bathroom anymore (I had to hover 3times a day). Clumping is ok this is a bit different structure of litter so just need 10/15mins to soak up and is doing the job, you can remove everything in one go without leaving anything inside. The best choice ever!
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
Not clumping very well
We have two ragdoll and this is the worst litter we have every used.....our cats did have less litter on the floor BUT it is super difficult to clean since all clumps just fall apart.... take ages to clean. We will never ever buy it again..
Not sure why Zooplus are still selling this product. It is clearly inferior quality and the buying team should address otherwise overall custom will be lost
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
Very good product
My Ragdoll cat leaves very little of this litter on the carpet. I have floor cushioning where my cat litter box is located but I do have a piece of carpet in front of the litter box so I don't get litter on the hard floor. It clumps together so is easy to remove, there is no smell from the litter box. I recommend this product, it is economical to use.