Nullodor Silicate Litter for Cats and Small Animals

1,5 kg
Special silicate litter for cat puppies and small animals, absorbs odours before they arise...further information
Nullodor Silicate Litter for Cats and Small Animals
Nullodor Silicate Litter for Cats and Small Animals
Nullodor Silicate Litter for Cats and Small Animals
Nullodor Silicate Litter for Cats and Small Animals
Nullodor Silicate Litter for Cats and Small Animals
Nullodor Silicate Litter for Cats and Small Animals
Nullodor Silicate Litter for Cats and Small Animals
Nullodor Silicate Litter for Cats and Small Animals
Nullodor Silicate Litter for Cats and Small Animals
Nullodor Silicate Litter for Cats and Small Animals
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1,5 kg1584357.0
€4.66 / kg
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Product description

Special silicate litter for cat puppies and small animals, absorbs odours before they arise

Nullodor is a pure natural product made from high-purity talc and water. This mixture is exposed to high temperatures under negative pressure for one week. The slow evaporation of the water leads to the formation of micropores and microcapillaries so that each individual silicon crystal can immediately absorb any moisture on its surface and store it inside.

Each silicon crystal has an absorption capacity of 150%. Liquid is absorbed in a fraction of a second. The water content evaporates, leaving the litter dry and usable for a long period of time.

Nullodor absorbs odours together with the liquid and reliably retains them for up to four weeks. The liquid evaporates while the odours are bound inside the silicon granules so that no ammonia can escape.
This Nullodor silicate litter is excellent for cats, ferrets, rabbits and rodents

Possible uses for small animals

  • Pure : Use as for cats
  • As a base layer : cover the bottom of the cage with a thin layer of Nullodor litter and spread the other litter (wood shavings, plant fibre litter, etc.) on top. The resulting mixture will remain dry and odour-free for several weeks. As soon as the first odours appear, dispose of the old litter and replace it.


  • Economical: 1 bag = several weeks
  • Extremely absorbent, more than 150
  • Natural product
  • No odours
  • Antistatic - does not stick to paws
  • Proven antibacterial effect*
  • Non-toxic

* After a test period of 26 days on certain bacterial cultures: Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus.